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    Grow Song of The Evertree Wiki

    {{Dialogue}} facilitates the writing of dialogue in a standard format. The template can handle most standard formats of writing dialogue, and can be indented, bulleted or numbered. This template cannot be subst:'d.

    This template uses the Lua templating language, and more information can be found on the Global Lua Module page. For a traditional wikitext version of this template, see Dialogue on Templates Wiki.


    This is how to write the template in wikitext onto your article:

    |cite = dialogue description

    These parameters are explained more fully below.


    Named parameters specify name shortcuts. They are all optional. They are placed at the top of the template call, like this:


    Name shortcuts apply to your main dialogue text. If you use a shortcut specified here for a character name, then the full name will be replaced for it.

    Named parameters of the form "mood1", "mood2", "mood3", etc., up to "mood10", specify moods for the corresponding line number (e.g. "mood1" specifies line 1). They are placed in a line like this:


    Positional parameters form the text of the dialogue (i.e. any line not containing an "=" will be construed as part of the dialogue.

    Parameter 1 (required)
    Character name speaking
    Parameter 2 (optional)
    Line to speak
    Parameter 3 (optional)
    Next character
    Parameter 4 (optional)
    Next line
    Parameter 5 (optional)
    Next character
    Parameter 6 (optional)
    Next line
    Parameter 7 (optional)
    so on...

    Note: if any character is called "action" then that line will be construed as an action line. It still counts as a line nonetheless.

    To write a dialogue description/source, use cite =


    Here is an example of a full template usage:

    |harry=Harry Enfield
    |bryan=Bryan Adams
    |harry|Hello!                |mood1=happy
    |bryan|Oh hello there        |mood2=surprised
    |harry|How are you?          |mood3=inquisitive
    |bryan|Quite fine thank you. |mood4=reserved
    |harry|Oh that's spiffing.   |mood5=spiffed
    |bryan|It is, isn't it?!     |mood6=multo-spiffed
    |harry|Quite so.             |mood7=bored
    |bryan|Well, I'm off!        |mood8=joyous
    |harry|Ta-ta!                |mood9=relieved
    |bryan|Au revoir!            |mood10=sarcastic

    The above would generate:

    Harry Enfield (happy)
    Bryan Adams (surprised)
    Oh hello there
    Harry Enfield (inquisitive)
    How are you?
    Bryan Adams (reserved)
    Quite fine thank you.
    Harry Enfield (spiffed)
    Oh that's spiffing.
    Bryan Adams (multo-spiffed)
    It is, isn't it?!
    Harry Enfield (bored)
    Quite so.
    Bryan Adams (joyous)
    Well, I'm off!
    Harry Enfield (relieved)
    Bryan Adams (sarcastic)
    Au revoir!

    The below code demonstrates examples of extended use:

    |george=Georgie Boy
    |action|Enter: George and Rachel
    |george|Good morrow dearest Rachel!|mood2=happy
    |action|Rachel turns to see him
    |rachel|Oh, George, it's you!
    |rachel|Why won't you say anything?!|mood6=worried
    |action|Enter: Guards
    |Guards|We are announcing George's arrest!
    |rachel|Oh my!|mood9=horrified
    |action|George is dragged away.

    The above would generate:

    [Enter: George and Rachel]
    Georgie Boy (happy)
    Good morrow dearest Rachel!
    [Rachel turns to see him]
    Oh, George, it's you!
    Georgie Boy
    Rachel (worried)
    Why won't you say anything?!
    [Enter: Guards]
    We are announcing George's arrest!
    Rachel (horrified)
    Oh my!
    [George is dragged away.]


    You can number, bullet or indent your dialogue:

    #{{dialogue|Them|Good afternoon|Us|What a load of rubbish!}}
    1. Me
    2. Them
      Good afternoon
      What a load of rubbish!
    |angel|I am an angel!|Crowd|We don't believe you!}}
    |angel|But I'm being quite serious!|Crowd|Too bad for you then!}}
    • Fortitude
      I am an angel!
      We don't believe you!
    • Fortitude
      But I'm being quite serious!
      Too bad for you then!
    You will get the odd spacing error (e.g. "Speech<space>") if you lay out your dialogue on multiple lines.
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